Month: February 2020

How are ML and AI revolutionising the warehousing and supply chain industry

How are ML and AI revolutionising the warehousing and supply chain industry

The warehousing and supply chain industry is going through a major phase of transition as considered from the Indian business point of view. The global supply chain industry had already been integrating intelligent systems and procedures which would tremendously benefit the organisations by improving their financial bottom line as well as increasing their overall productivity. …

How are ML and AI revolutionising the warehousing and supply chain industry Read More »

Modern warehouse construction techniques

Though warehouses have been in use since centuries, their usage and functionality was more or less limited to storage and stockpiling of goods. With the advent of the modern facets of e-commerce and retail as well as the modernisation of the economy, customers are increasingly demanding shorter arrival times for goods, immediate order-fulfilment and accurate …

Modern warehouse construction techniques Read More »

How can effective picking methods and performance enhancement augment warehousing operations

How can effective picking methods and performance enhancement augment warehousing operations

Pointers: The improvement of order picking operations result in the following : Minimisation of the throughput time of an order  Reduction of the overall throughput time  Maximum utilisation of space  Maximum utilisation of the warehouse equipment Maximum utilisation of workforce or labour  Maximisation of access to various items or products.  Warehouses are crucial elements to …

How can effective picking methods and performance enhancement augment warehousing operations Read More »

How can warehouse space and congestion be managed properly

How can warehouse space and congestion be managed properly

One of the pertinent points while evaluating multi-channel warehousing is to define its capacity. According to the supply chain and logistics traditions, a warehouse or a distribution centre is said to operate at its maximum capacity when its occupancy hits 85%. Managing inventory is one of the most crucial challenges that one can face while …

How can warehouse space and congestion be managed properly Read More »


How can robots contribute to the improvement of warehousing operations

The warehousing scenario has transformed since the last century and the transformation continues by leaps and bounds. That which was looked upon as simple storage and stockpiling option, and was called a godown, has gradually grown in functionality and has become an indispensable part of the supply chain and logistics industry. How automation is modifying …

How can robots contribute to the improvement of warehousing operations Read More »

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