Know Multi-Tier Shelving Better


Being into a business that needs lots of inventory to be stored and moved can be difficult. There are so many choices and decisions to be made every day. It’s with every element of the business however warehouse style and management can be equally baffling. There are so many configurations that a warehouse can be built and managed. How would a person pinpoint the one option that would actually work for him?. Today we would be discussing one very efficient configuration of warehouse and that’s the Multi-Tier Shelving.

Which Sectors Should Go For Multi-Tier Shelving?

If you are in a business that needs storage and movement of goods that are light to medium weight and have capabilities of manual operations. Then Multi-tier shelving is the right option for you. For example, if you are an automotive parts manufacturer or a company that has to maintain a huge archive of things then multi-tier shelving is the thing for you. In general its a very robust structure and very convenient to use with high efficiencies once you get a knack of using it.  In a nutshell, if your business requires storage of goods that are not so heavy and have a fast turn around then this is the configuration that would suit you best.

What it is exactly?

Multi-tier shelving is similar to heavy-duty shelving or pallet racking systems in foundations. The major difference being the construction of different levels. This makes it ideal for the storage of small and medium-sized SKU. This category of shelving provides for better space management and warehouse logistics efficiencies. It helps in managing the vertical space to the maximum possible efficiencies. It also increases the labor efficiencies involved in the warehouse operations. Since there are aisles and connections moving and managing inventory is pretty easy with multi-tier shelving.

Each level of the shelving structure can be accessed by staircases, main aisles, and cross aisles. Hence allowing for easy access and management of all units at all levels. This type of shelving solution suits best to small and medium-sized warehouses. One point to be noted here is that Multi-Tier shelving also has many designs in itself and that may vary from company to company. So one has to actually put in some time and effort in understanding what the shelving manufacturer is offering and how much it is going to suit the requirement of the organization.


If you are a manufacturing concern which deals in SKU that is not so big and not so heavy then this is the solution that you should opt for. Racks and Rollers provide some of the best racking an shelving solutions in the country. Our products are sturdy and durable. Our Designs are something which is highly efficient when compared to the competition.


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